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Schneider A, Arnone A, Vismara A, Cossutti M.  2006.  On the Use of CFD Methods in the Design of a Modern IMS-Racer Yacht. NAV International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research.
21-23 June, Genova, Italy
Bonaiuti D, Arnone A, Corradini U, Bernacca M.  2003.  Aerodynamic Redesign of a Mixed-Flow Pump Stage. 21st Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
June 23–26, Orlando, FL, USA, AIAA paper 2003-3506
Arnone A, Bonaiuti D, Boncinelli P, Ermini M, Milani A, Baldassarre L, Camatti M.  2002.  CFD Applications to Industrial Centrifugal Compressor Design. ASME Turbo Expo. 5: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B:639–648.
June 3–6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME paper 2002-GT-30393
Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Avalle M, Capuani A, Spano E.  2001.  Aerodynamic Design of the Upper Stage Ariane 5 LOX Turbopump Using CFD Techniques. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. :607–617.
20-23 March, Firenze, Italy, ATI-CST-051/01
Arnone A, Bertini F, Cecchi S, Maretto L.  2001.  Aerodynamic Optimization of the Meridional Channel Contouring in Steam Turbine Stages. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics.
20-23 March, Firenze, Italy, ATI-CST-058/01
Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Capuani A, Spano E, Rebattet C.  2001.  Ariane 5 TPLOX Inducer Design Strategies To Enhance Cavitating Performance. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation - CAV2001.
June 20-23, Pasadena, CA, USA
Arnone A, Milani A, Caprino G, Traverso A.  2000.  3D Viscous Calculations of Marine Propeller Flows for Practical Applications. Proceedings of NAV 2000 International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research. :6.1.1–6.1.10.
9-22 September 2000, Venezia, Italy
De Lucia M, Mengoni CP, Boncinelli P, Corradini U.  2000.  Synchronized LDV measurement in centrifugal impeller: seeding insemination set up and CFD comparison. 45th ASME Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Technical Congress, Exposition and Users Symposium.
Munich, Germany, 8-11 May 2000, ASME paper 2000-GT-54
Arnone A, Cattanei A, Nurzia F, Pacciani R, Zunino P.  2000.  A Two-Stage Low Pressure Gas-Turbine Model for Rotor-Stator Aerodynamic Interaction Investigations. XV Symposium of Measurement Techniques for Transonic and Supersonic Flows in Cascades and Turbomachines.
Firenze, Italy, September 2000
Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1997.  Grid Dependency Study for the NASA Rotor 37 Compressor Blade. ASME 1997 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. 1: Aircraft Engine; Marine; Turbomachinery; Microturbines and Small Turbomachinery:pp.V001T03A056;(9pages).
Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1996.  Sul Calcolo Viscoso nei Compressori Assiali Transonici. Convegno Turbomacchine '96 – Conference Proceedings. :147–157.
11-12 Luglio, Genova, Italy
Arnone A, Facchini B, Carcasci C.  1993.  Valutazione e Confronto di Alcune Tecniche Refrigerative nelle Palettature Statoriche di Turbine a Gas. VII Convegno Nazionale Gruppi Combinati Prospettive Tecniche ed Economiche.
Milano, Italy, 21-22, October
Arnone A, Benvenuti E, Corradini U, Stecco SS.  1992.  Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Gas Turbine First Stage Nozzle. 6th International Conference on Gas Turbines in Cogeneration and Utility Industrial and Independent Power Generation - 1992 ASME COGEN-TURBO.
1-3 September, 1992, Houston, TX, USA
