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Hussain Z, Bacci D, Pinelli L.  2024.  Numerical Analysis of Combustor Burn-Through Representative Jet. 8th edition of the International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows – ICJWSF.
Bonaiuti D, Arnone A, Hah C, Hayami H.  2002.  Development of Secondary Flow Field in a Low Solidity Diffuser in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Stage. ASME Turbo Expo. 5: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B:445–454.
June 3–6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME paper 2002-GT-30371
Bonaiuti D, Arnone A, Hah C, Hayami H.  2002.  Development of Secondary Flow Field in a Low Solidity Diffuser in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Stage. ASME Turbo Expo. 5: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B:445–454.
June 3–6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME paper 2002-GT-30371
Arnone A.  1995.  Multigrid Methods for Turbomachinery Navier–Stokes Calculations. Solution Techniques for Large–Scale CFD Problems.