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Arnone A, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Schipani C, Spano E.  2002.  Numerical Investigation of Airfoil Clocking in a Three-Stage Low Pressure Turbine. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 124:61–68.
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1996.  Numerical Investigation on Wake Shedding in a Turbine Rotor Blade. 15th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics. :358–363.
24-28 June, Monterey, CA, USA
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1991.  Navier- Stokes Analysis of Transonic Cascade Flow.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers European Conference, Turbomachinery: Latest Developments in a Changing Scene, London, NASA TM–103624
Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Campobasso MS, Mattheiss A, Wenger U.  1999.  Complementary Use of CFD and Experimental Measurements to Assess the Impact of Shrouded and Cantilevered Stators in Axial Compressors. ASME Turbo Expo.
Indianapolis, IN, USA, June 7-10, 1999, ASME paper 99-GT-208
Arnone A, Bertini F, Cecchi S, Maretto L.  2001.  Aerodynamic Optimization of the Meridional Channel Contouring in Steam Turbine Stages. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics.
20-23 March, Firenze, Italy, ATI-CST-058/01
Arnone A, Bonaiuti D, Ermini M, Milani A, Baldassarre L.  2003.  Development of a Procedure for the Aerodynamic Design of Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Impellers. 5th European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC5).
Prague, Czech Republic, 17-21 March 2003
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Schneider A, Alba G.  2009.  Kaplan Turbine Performance Prediction Using CFD: an Artificial Neural Network Approach. HYDRO 2009 Conference Proceedings.
Lyon, France, 26-28 October 2009, paper n.263
Arnone A.  1994.  Viscous Analysis of Three–Dimensional Rotor Flow Using a Multigrid Method. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 116(3):435–445.
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Scotti Del Greco A, Spano E.  2003.  Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Clocking Effects in a Low Pressure Turbine. ASME Turbo Expo 2003, collocated with the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference. 6: Turbo Expo 2003, Parts A and B:245-254.
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1989.  Inviscid Prediction of Transonic Flows in Turbomachinery Using a Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme. Advances and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics -FED-Vol.66, Book No. G00466- 1988.
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
Arnone A.  1997.  Compressori e ventilatori. Manuale Cremonese di Meccanica - Parte Specialistica Vol. IV.
Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Marconcini M.  2000.  Turbomachinery Computations on Parallel Computers Using a Multigrid Method. Multigrid Methods VI, Proceedings of the Sixth European Multigrid Conference. 14:44–51.
Arnone A, Bosio A, Carnevale E A, De Lucia M, Facchini B, Manfrida G.  1991.  Il Banco Prova Pompe del Dipartimento di Energetica dell'Universita' degli Studi di Firenze. 46o Congresso Nazionale ATI.
Cassino-Gaeta, Italy, 25-27 September.
Arnone A, Facchini B, Carcasci C.  1993.  Valutazione e Confronto di Alcune Tecniche Refrigerative nelle Palettature Statoriche di Turbine a Gas. VII Convegno Nazionale Gruppi Combinati Prospettive Tecniche ed Economiche.
Milano, Italy, 21-22, October
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Spano E.  2003.  Challenges in Predicting Row Interaction Effects in Axial Turbines. 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamic Conference & Exhibit.
June 23–26, Orlando, FL, USA, AIAA paper 2003-3994
Arnone A.  1995.  Multigrid Methods for Turbomachinery Navier–Stokes Calculations. Solution Techniques for Large–Scale CFD Problems.
Arnone A, Sestini A.  1991.  Multigrid Heat Transfer Calculations Using Different Iterative Schemes. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 19(1):1–11.
Arnone A, Milani A, Caprino G, Traverso A.  2000.  3D Viscous Calculations of Marine Propeller Flows for Practical Applications. Proceedings of NAV 2000 International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research. :6.1.1–6.1.10.
9-22 September 2000, Venezia, Italy
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1993.  Multigrid Time-Accurate Integration of Navier–Stokes Equations. 11th AIAA CFD Conference.
July, Orlando, FL, USA, AIAA paper 93-3361-CP (NASA TM-106373, ICOMP-93-37)
Arnone A, Pacciani R, Gebendinger M, Francini S.  1994.  Numerical Characterization of a Kaplan Turbine Using a Three-Dimensional Viscous Solver. Modelling, Testing & Monitoring for Hydro Powerplants Meeting, Hydropower & Dams.
Budapest, Hungary, July
Arnone A, Swanson RC.  1988.  A Navier–Stokes Solver for Cascade Flows.
NASA CR-181682, ICASE report 88-32
