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Agnolucci A, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Toni L, Grimaldi A, Giachi M.  2021.  Centrifugal Compressor Stage Efficiency and Rotor Stiffness Augmentation via Artificial Neural Networks. ASME Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 2D: Turbomachinery: Radial Turbomachinery Aerodynamics
ASME paper GT2021-59998
Agnolucci A, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Toni L, Grimaldi A, Giachi M.  2021.  Centrifugal Compressor Stage Efficiency and Rotor Stiffness Augmentation via Artificial Neural Networks. ASME Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 2D: Turbomachinery: Radial Turbomachinery Aerodynamics
ASME paper GT2021-59998
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2021.  Computational and Experimental Study of the Unsteady Convection of Entropy Waves Within a High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 143(9)
Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2022.  Acoustic Impedance Eduction of MDOF Liners With Numerical and Analytical Approaches Under Grazing Flow Conditions. 16th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT16).
Lemmi G, Giaccherini S, Marconcini M, Pinelli L.  2022.  Application of an overset grid method for the performance analysis of flapping airfoils. 77th National ATI Congress – (ATI 2022). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v.2385
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Bake F, Knobloch K, Gaetani P, Persico G.  2022.  Effect of Clocking on Entropy Noise Generation Within an Aeronautical High Pressure Turbine Stage. J.Sound Vib.. 529(116900)
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2022.  The Effects of Swirling Flows In Entropy Wave Convection Through High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 10D: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2022-82594
Lottini F, Agnolucci A, Pinelli L, Pacciani R, Toni L, Guglielmo A, Grimaldi A.  2022.  Impact of Operating Conditions on Rotor/Stator Interaction of a High-Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor. ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 10B: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2022-82108
Lottini F, Agnolucci A, Pinelli L, Pacciani R, Toni L, Guglielmo A, Grimaldi A.  2022.  Impact of Operating Conditions on Rotor/Stator Interaction of a High-Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor. ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 10B: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2022-82108
Innocenti G, Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Bianchini A, Arnone A.  2022.  Understanding the near and post-stall behavior of wind turbine blade airfoils through multi-fidelity CFD simulations: the case of S809 airfoil. 77th National ATI Congress – (ATI 2022). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v.2385
Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2022.  Validation of an Analytical Model for the Acoustic Impedance Eduction of Multi-Cavity Resonant Liners by a High-Fidelity LES Approach. ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 10C: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2022-81984 
Rosenzweig M, Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Kozul M, Sandberg RD, Marconcini M, Pacciani R.  2023.  Best-Practice Guidelines for High-Fidelity Simulations Based on Detailed Analysis of a Highly-Loaded Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 13B: Turbomachinery
Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2023.  The Effects of Swirling Flows in Entropy Wave Convection Through High Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(3):031004.
Pela A, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Toni L, Valente R, Agnolucci A, Grimaldi A, Pacciani R.  2023.  On the Feasibility of Helicity-Based Corrections of Turbulence Models for Improving RANS Predictions of Centrifugal Compressor Stages. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 13D: Turbomachinery
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2023.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 13D: Turbomachinery
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2023.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 13D: Turbomachinery
Bicchi M, Biliotti D, Toni L, Marconcini M, Grimaldi A, Arnone A.  2023.  A Two-Step Approach for Centrifugal Compressor Performance Mapping Based on a Reduced-Order Model and an Evolutionary Algorithm. ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 13D: Turbomachinery
Giaccherini S, Pinelli L, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A.  2023.  Validation of an Analytical Model for the Acoustic Impedance Eduction of Multi-Cavity Resonant Liners by a High-Fidelity LES Approach. ASME J. Turbomach.. 145(8):081002.
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Effect of Entropy Waves Features on the Indirect Noise Generation within an Aeronautical High Pressure Turbine Stage. Journal of Physics Conference Series - 79th ATI National Conference. 2893
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Effect of Entropy Waves Features on the Indirect Noise Generation within an Aeronautical High Pressure Turbine Stage. Journal of Physics Conference Series - 79th ATI National Conference. 2893
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 146(4):041003.
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  The Impact of the Off-Design Conditions on the Entropy Wave Interaction With a High-Pressure Turbine Stage. ASME J. Turbomach.. 146(4):041003.
Batisti M, Pinelli L, Toni L, Guglielmo A, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2024.  Innovative Cavity Modeling for Centrifugal Compressors Aeromechanical Analysis. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 12D: Turbomachinery :V12DT35A025.
GT2024-128815  (accepted for publication on ASME Journal of Turbomachinery)
Pinelli L, Giannini G, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Notaristefano A, Gaetani P.  2024.  Understanding Entropy Wave Evolution in High-Pressure Turbines: The Role of Hot Spot Position and Features. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 12D: Turbomachinery:V12DT36A015.
