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Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Avalle M, Capuani A, Spano E.  2001.  Aerodynamic Design of the Upper Stage Ariane 5 LOX Turbopump Using CFD Techniques. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. :607–617.
20-23 March, Firenze, Italy, ATI-CST-051/01
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1991.  Transonic Cascade Flow Prediction Using the Navier-Stokes Equations. IGTI International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition.
Orlando, FL, USA, 3-6 June, 1991, ASME paper 91-GT-313
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Rubechini F, Schneider A, Alba G.  2009.  Kaplan Turbine Performance Prediction Using CFD: an Artificial Neural Network Approach. HYDRO 2009 Conference Proceedings.
Lyon, France, 26-28 October 2009, paper n.263
Arnone A, Benvenuti E.  1994.  Three–Dimensional Navier–Stokes Analysis of a Two–Stage Gas Turbine. ASME Turbo Expo.
The Hague, The Netherlands, June 13–16, ASME paper 94–GT–88
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1996.  Rotor-Stator Interaction Analysis Using the Navier-Stokes Equations and a Multigrid Method. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 118(4):679–689.
Arnone A, Boncinelli P, Marconcini M.  2000.  Turbomachinery Computations on Parallel Computers Using a Multigrid Method. Multigrid Methods VI, Proceedings of the Sixth European Multigrid Conference. 14:44–51.
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1989.  Inviscid Prediction of Transonic Flows in Turbomachinery Using a Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme. Advances and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics -FED-Vol.66, Book No. G00466- 1988.
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
Arnone A, Bonaiuti D, Ermini M, Milani A, Baldassarre L.  2003.  Development of a Procedure for the Aerodynamic Design of Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Impellers. 5th European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC5).
Prague, Czech Republic, 17-21 March 2003
Arnone A, Benvenuti E, Corradini U, Stecco SS.  1992.  Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Gas Turbine First Stage Nozzle. 6th International Conference on Gas Turbines in Cogeneration and Utility Industrial and Independent Power Generation - 1992 ASME COGEN-TURBO.
1-3 September, 1992, Houston, TX, USA
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1995.  Three-Dimensional Viscous Analysis of Centrifugal Impellers Using the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. 1st European Conference on Turbomachinery. :181–195.
Erlangen, Germany.
Arnone A, Pacciani R.  1998.  IGV-Rotor Interaction Analysis in a Transonic Compressor Using the Navier–Stokes Equations. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 120(1):143–155.
Arnone A, Bertini F, Cecchi S, Maretto L.  2001.  Aerodynamic Optimization of the Meridional Channel Contouring in Steam Turbine Stages. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics.
20-23 March, Firenze, Italy, ATI-CST-058/01
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1991.  Navier- Stokes Analysis of Transonic Cascade Flow.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers European Conference, Turbomachinery: Latest Developments in a Changing Scene, London, NASA TM–103624
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Scotti Del Greco A, Spano E.  2004.  Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Clocking Effects in a Low Pressure Turbine. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 126(3):375–384.
Arnone A, Facchini B, Carcasci C.  1993.  Valutazione e Confronto di Alcune Tecniche Refrigerative nelle Palettature Statoriche di Turbine a Gas. VII Convegno Nazionale Gruppi Combinati Prospettive Tecniche ed Economiche.
Milano, Italy, 21-22, October
Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1996.  Sul Calcolo Viscoso nei Compressori Assiali Transonici. Convegno Turbomacchine '96 – Conference Proceedings. :147–157.
11-12 Luglio, Genova, Italy
Arnone A, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Spano E.  1999.  Numerical Prediction of Wake–Induced Transition in a Low Pressure Turbine. 14th ISABE Symposium.
September 5–10, Florence, Italy, ISABE paper 99–058
Arnone A, Swanson RC.  1988.  A Navier–Stokes Solver for Cascade Flows.
NASA CR-181682, ICASE report 88-32
Arnone A, Bonaiuti D, Boncinelli P, Ermini M, Milani A, Baldassarre L, Camatti M.  2002.  CFD Applications to Industrial Centrifugal Compressor Design. ASME Turbo Expo. 5: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B:639–648.
June 3–6, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ASME paper 2002-GT-30393
Arnone A, Liou MS, Povinelli LA.  1992.  Navier–Stokes Solution of Transonic Cascade Flow Using Non–Periodic C–Type Grids. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 8(2):410–417.
Arnone A, Pacciani R, Sestini A.  1995.  Multigrid Computations of Unsteady Rotor–Stator Interaction Using the Navier–Stokes Equations. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 117(4):647–652.
Arnone A, Carnevale E A, Marconcini M.  1997.  Grid Dependency Study for the NASA Rotor 37 Compressor Blade. ASME 1997 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. 1: Aircraft Engine; Marine; Turbomachinery; Microturbines and Small Turbomachinery:pp.V001T03A056;(9pages).
Arnone A, Milani A, Caprino G, Traverso A.  2000.  3D Viscous Calculations of Marine Propeller Flows for Practical Applications. Proceedings of NAV 2000 International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research. :6.1.1–6.1.10.
9-22 September 2000, Venezia, Italy
Arnone A, Sestini A.  1991.  Multigrid Heat Transfer Calculations Using Different Iterative Schemes. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 19(1):1–11.
Arnone A, Bonaiuti D, Focacci A, Pacciani R, Scotti Del Greco A, Spano E.  2004.  Parametric Optimization of a High-Lift Turbine Vane. Conf. Proc. Vol. 5: Turbo Expo 2004, Parts A and B. :1469–1479.
June 14–17, Vienna, Austria, ASME paper GT2004-54308
