Michele Marconcini

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Florence

via di Santa Marta, 3
50139, Florence, Italy

Voice: (+39) 055-275-8794
Fax: (+39) 055-275-8755
e-mail: michele.marconcini(at)unifi.it

Research Projects & Areas of Interest


Background Information


Research Projects & Areas of Interest

Michele Marconcini is Associate Professor of fluid machinery (IIND-06/A) at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence (formerly "Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering). He carries out research in the field of turbomachinery and aerospace propulsion in cooperation with industry. His interest is in the development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)  techniques for steady/unsteady viscous solvers.
Since 1998 he is involved in the research projects of ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design).
  • Member of the IGTI Turbomachinery Committee (2006-present).
  • ASME member (2018-present)
  • Member of the Centro di Ricerca, Trasferimento e Alta Formazione "Turbomacchine e Sistemi Energetici - Ce.R.Tu.S." of the University of Florence (DR 178/04).
  • Italian National Scientific Qualification (09/C1 - Associate Professor) 21/01/2014 - 22/02/2024.
  • Member of the AIMSEA "Associazione Italiana delle Macchine a fluido e dei Sistemi per l'Energia e l'Ambiente" (2017-present)

He has been involved in the following European Community Research Projects:

  • APPACET (Assessment of Physical Process and Code Evaluation for Turbomachinery flows, 1998-2000)

  • EEFAE (Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine, 2000-2004)

  • VITAL (Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine, 2005-2009)

  • TATMo (Turbulence and Transition Modeling for Special Turbomachinery Applications, 2006-2009)

  • DREAM (Validation of Radical Engine Architecture Systems, 2008-2011).

  • FACTOR (Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research, 2010-2014).

  • ITURB (Optimal High-Lift Turbine Blade Aero-Mechanical Design, 2012-2014), CLEAN SKY - SAGE2.

  • RECORD (Research on Core Noise Reduction, 2013-2016).

  • ENOVAL (Engine Module Validators, 2013-2017)

  • FLEXTURBINE (Flexible Fossil Power Plants for the Future Energy Market through new and advanced Turbine Technologies, 2016-2019).

  • TURBO-REFLEX (TURBOmachinery REtrofits enabling FLEXible back-up capacity for the transition of the European energy system, 2017-2020).

  • ARIAS (Advanced Research Into Aeromechanical Solutions, 2018-2022)


Research Topics:

  • Components interaction in turbomachinery, unsteady CFD methods;
  • Transition/turbulence models for turbomachinery applications;
  • Low pressure turbines aerodynamics (high-lift, ultra-high-lift airfoils);
  • Computational Aeroacoustics (tone noise);
  • HPC, CFD codes parallelization (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA Fortran)

Teaching Activities:

  • Turbomachinery I.C. (6/9 CFU): Aerodynamics of Turbomachinery (4/6 CFU), Aeromechanics and Aeroacoustics of Turbomachinery (2/3 CFU), from 2023-24, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEM/ENM).
  • Turbomachinery for Sustainable Energy Systems (6 CFU), from 2023-24, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability (MES).
  • Project Work on Energy Systems and Component Design I.C. (3/9 CFU): Complements of Design of Renewable Energy Systems Components (3 CFU), from 2023-24, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability (MES).
  • Turbomachinery (6/9 CFU), 2009-10, 2010-11, 2014-15, 2015-16, from 2017-18 to 2022-23, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEM/ENM).
  • Aeronautical Gas Turbines Aerodynamics (6 CFU), from 2012-13, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEM/ENM).
  • Aircarft Engines (4/9 CFU), 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, from 2020-21, in the MS degree programs in Mechanical Engineering (MEM).

Research Database:

University of Florence home page:




NASA Rotor 37 Compressor Blade
(TRAF code, 1996)

Transonic Compressor (IGV-Rotor interaction)
(TRAF code, 2000)

1-1/2 LP Turbine Stage
(TRAF code, 2000)

Ariane 5 Vulcain 2 LOX Turbopump Impulse Turbine
(TRAF code, 1999)

Turbocharger Stage
(TRAF code, 2007)

Background Information

November 1st 2020

Associate Professor of Fluid Machinery (L.240/10) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. (09/C1 ING-IND/08)

November 1st 2017 - October 31st 2020

Assistant Professor Contract (art 24 c.3-b L.240/10) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. (09/C1 ING-IND/08)

August 1st 2013 - October 31st 2017:
Research Associate Contract (art 24 c.3-a L.240/10) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. (09/C1 ING-IND/09)
15th February 2013 - July 31st 2013:
Research contract with the ICAD Consortium.
February 15th 2010 - February 14th 2013:
Research Associate Contract (art.1 c.14 L. 230/05) at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering (formerly "Sergio Stecco" Dept. of Energy Engineering), University of Florence.
January 1st 2007 - December 31st 2009:
Research Associate Contract (art.1 c.14 L. 230/05) at the "Sergio Stecco" Dept. of Energy Engineering, University of Florence.
July 1st 2004 - December 31st 2006:
Post-Doctoral Research Contract at the "Sergio Stecco" Dept. of Energy Engineering, University of Florence "Sviluppo di metodologie CFD per la progettazione di turbomacchine" ("Development of CFD methods for turbomachinery design").
March 2000 - June 2004:
Research Contract at the "Sergio Stecco" Dept. of Energy Engineering, University of Florence.
January 2000 - December 2006:
Part-time contract with the ICAD Consortium, position CFD Researcher.
March 2000:
Ph.D. in Energy Engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Thesis title: "Applicazioni del calcolo non stazionario alle turbomacchine" ("Applications of Unsteady Computation to Turbomachinery").
November 1996 - October 1999:
Ph.D. student in Energy Engineering at the "Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
May session 1996:
Italian State PE examination.
April 1996:
Laurea with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Thesis title: "Impiego della fluidodinamica computazionale nel calcolo tridimensionale viscoso di compressori assiali transonici" ("On the Use of CFD in Transonic Axial Compressors Three-Dimensional Viscous Calculation.")
July 1989:
High school diploma "Maturità Scientifica" at Liceo Scientifico "Niccolò Rodolico" - Florence, Italy.

Moving Bars in Front of a Cascade
(TRAF code, 2002)