Lorenzo studied at the University of Florence where he graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2007. He undertook his postgraduated studies at Florence in the Department of Energy Engineering and got his PhD in December 2010. Since then, Lorenzo has been a research fellow at the Traf Group.
Research Projects & Areas Of Interest
Lorenzo's research is largely concerned with computational aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics in axial turbomachines. His principal interests are in the development of 2D/3D CA non-linear inviscid/viscous solver and, more recently, in the implementation of a tone noise propagation strategy in multi-stage turbomachines. Such methods are employed in blade flutter and tone noise analysis.
European Projects
Lorenzo is involved in the following European Community Research Projects:

Background Information
- January 2011 - present
- Research fellow at the PGTU Computational Fluid Dynamics Branch ("Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy).
- January 2008 - December 2010
- PhD student in Energy Engineering at the "Sergio Stecco" Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
PhD thesis title: "Development of a computational method for turbomachinery tone noise analysis" - January session 2008
- Italian State PE examination
- July 2007
- Laurea with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Thesis title: "Sviluppo di un approccio non lineare per il calcolo aeroelastico disaccoppiato" ("Development of a non-linear approach for the uncoupled aeroelastic analysis") - July 2000
- High School Diploma "Maturità Scientifica" at Liceo Scientifico "N. Copernico" Prato, Italy