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Boccini E, Meli E, Rindi AA, Pinelli L, Peruzzi L, Arnone A.  2018.  Towards structural topology optimization of rotor blisks. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 7A: Structures and Dynamics:pp.V07AT30A008;10pages.
paper GT2018-76482
Vanti F, Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A.  2017.  Aeroelastic Investigation of Turbine Blade Assemblies: Cluster System and Mistuned Rows. 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12.
paper ETC2017-144
Vanti F, Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A.  2017.  Aeroelastic Investigation of Turbine Blade Assemblies: Cluster System and Mistuned Rows. 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12.
paper ETC2017-144
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2017.  A CFD Based Throughflow Method with Three-Dimensional Flow Features Modelling. 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12.
paper ETC2017-329
Pacciani R, Marconcini M, Arnone A.  2017.  A CFD-Based Throughflow Method With Three-Dimensional Flow Features Modelling. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power . 2(3)
Paradiso B, Gatti G, Bellucci J, Mora A, Dossena V, Arcangeli L, Maceli N.  2017.  An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Performance Impact of a Heavily Off-Design Inlet Swirl Angle in a Steam Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition.
ASME paper GT2017-64561
Bellucci J, Rubechini F, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Paradiso B, Gatti G.  2017.  Numerical and experimental investigation of axial gap variation in high pressure steam turbine stages. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 139(5):052603(9pages).
Pacciani R, Rubechini F, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Cecchi S, Daccà F.  2016.  A CFD-Based Throughflow Method With An Adaptive Formulation For The S2 Streamsurface. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 230(1):16-28.
Berrino M, Bigoni F, Simoni D, Giovannini M, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Bertini F.  2016.  Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Roughness Effects on the Aerodynamic Performances of LPT Blades. Journal of Thermal Science. 25(1):32-42.
Gatti G, Gaetani P, Paradiso B, Dossena V, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Bellucci J.  2016.  An Experimental Study of the Aerodynamic Forcing Function in a 1.5 Steam Turbine Stage. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 139(5):052503.
Gatti G, Gaetani P, Paradiso B, Dossena V, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Bellucci J.  2016.  An Experimental Study of the Aerodynamic Forcing Function in a 1.5 Steam Turbine Stage. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T26A020;9pages.
Peruzzi L, Bellucci J, Pinelli L, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Cosi L, Mazzucco M.  2016.  Numerical aerodynamic damping evaluation of high-pressure steam turbine blades for aeromechanical characterization. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T26A012;10pages.
Peruzzi L, Bellucci J, Pinelli L, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Cosi L, Mazzucco M.  2016.  Numerical aerodynamic damping evaluation of high-pressure steam turbine blades for aeromechanical characterization. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T26A012;10pages.
Bellucci J, Rubechini F, Arnone A, Arcangeli L, Maceli N, Paradiso B, Gatti G.  2016.  Numerical and experimental investigation of axial gap variation in high pressure steam turbine stages. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines:V008T26A015;12pages.
Poli F, Pinelli L, Arnone A.  2015.  Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of a Non-Rotating Annular Turbine Test Rig: a Comparison Between a Linearized and a Non-Linear Computational Method. 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (ICSV22).
Poli F, Pinelli L, Arnone A.  2015.  Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of a Non-Rotating Annular Turbine Test Rig: a Comparison Between a Linearized and a Non-Linear Computational Method. 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (ICSV22).
Berrino M, Bigoni F, Simoni D, Giovannini M, Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Bertini F.  2015.  Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Roughness Effects on the Aerodynamic Performances of LPT Blades. 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows.
paper n. 166
Pinelli L, Poli F, Bellucci J, Giovannini M, Arnone A.  2015.  Evaluation of Fast Numerical Methods for Turbomachinery Blade Flutter Analysis. 14th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT).
paper I14-S7-1
Pinelli L, Poli F, Bellucci J, Giovannini M, Arnone A.  2015.  Evaluation of Fast Numerical Methods for Turbomachinery Blade Flutter Analysis. 14th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT).
paper I14-S7-1
Marconcini M, Pacciani R, Arnone A, Bertini F.  2015.  Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade Performance Calculations With Incidence Variation and Periodic Unsteady Inflow Conditions. ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 2A: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2015–42276
Pinelli L, Poli F, Di Grazia E, Arnone A, Taddei F, De Lucia M, Torzo D.  2015.  Numerical and Experimental Study of the Tone Noise Generation By a Turbine Rear Frame. 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (ICSV22).
Pinelli L, Poli F, Di Grazia E, Arnone A, Taddei F, De Lucia M, Torzo D.  2015.  Numerical and Experimental Study of the Tone Noise Generation By a Turbine Rear Frame. 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (ICSV22).
Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A, Guérin S, Holewa A, Aparicio JRFernán, Puente R, Torzo D, Favre C, Gaetani P et al..  2015.  On the Numerical Evaluation of Tone Noise Emissions Generated by a Turbine Stage: an In-Depth Comparison Among Different Computational Methods. ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 2B: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2015-42376
Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A, Guérin S, Holewa A, Aparicio JRFernán, Puente R, Torzo D, Favre C, Gaetani P et al..  2015.  On the Numerical Evaluation of Tone Noise Emissions Generated by a Turbine Stage: an In-Depth Comparison Among Different Computational Methods. ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 2B: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2015-42376
Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A, Guérin S, Holewa A, Aparicio JRFernán, Puente R, Torzo D, Favre C, Gaetani P et al..  2015.  On the Numerical Evaluation of Tone Noise Emissions Generated by a Turbine Stage: an In-Depth Comparison Among Different Computational Methods. ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 2B: Turbomachinery
ASME paper GT2015-42376
