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Pela A, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Agnolucci A, Toni L, Belardini E, Valente R, Grimaldi A.  Submitted.  Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Impeller Blade Loading Inference. 1st International Symposium on AI and Fluid Mechanics (AIFLUIDs).
In Press
Batisti M, Marconcini M, Agnolucci A, Belardini E, Grimaldi A, Toni L, Valente R, Arnone A.  In Press.  Experimental and Numerical Rotating Stall Investigation of a Multistage Centrifugal Compressor. ASME Turbo Expo 2025 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Pela A, Marconcini M, Agnolucci A, Belardini E, Grimaldi A, Toni L, Valente R, Arnone A.  In Press.  Towards the Automatic Generation of Transonic Centrifugal Impellers by Deep Learning and Feature Importance Techniques. ASME Turbo Expo 2025 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Pela A, Marconcini M, Arnone A, Agnolucci A, Toni L, Valente R, Belardini E.  2024.  Exploiting Deep Learning for the Optimization of Transonic Centrifugal Impellers. Journal of Physics Conference Series - 79th ATI National Conference. 2893
Pinelli L, Vienni D, Tapinassi L, Michelassi V, Burberi C, Lorusso S, Ignesti M, Marconcini M.  2024.  Understanding the Aerodynamic Damping Behavior of an Axial Compressor Rotor for Industrial Applications. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 10A: Structures and Dynamics:V10AT21A016.
Pinelli L, Vanti F, Peruzzi L, Arnone A, Bessone A, Bettini C, Guida R, Marrè Bruneghi M, Sláma V.  2020.  Aeromechanical Characterization of a Last Stage Steam Blade at Low Load Operation: Part 2 – Computational Modelling and Comparison. ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 10A: Structures and Dynamics:13.
Amedei A, Meli E, Rindi A, Romani B, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Benvenuti G, Fabbrini M, Morganti N.  2020.  Innovative Design, Structural Optimization and Additive Manufacturing of New-Generation Turbine Blades. ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 2C: Turbomachinery:14.
Agnolucci A, Vanti F, Pinelli L, Arnone A.  2019.  Automatic Procedure for Aeromechanic Analysis of Turbomachinery Blade-Rows. 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories. AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 2191:020003.
Lottini F, Poli F, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Pacciani R.  2019.  Flutter Stability Assessment of a Low Pressure Turbine Rotor: a Comparison between Cantilever and Interlocked Configurations. 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories. AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 2191:020102.
Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Bessling B, Vogt D.  2019.  Influence of tip shroud modeling on the flutter stability of a low pressure turbine rotor. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 7A: Structures and Dynamics:V07AT36A012.
ASME paper GT2019-91204
Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Bessling B, Vogt D.  2019.  Influence of tip shroud modeling on the flutter stability of a low pressure turbine rotor. ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Volume 7A: Structures and Dynamics:V07AT36A012.
ASME paper GT2019-91204
Vanti F, Agnolucci A, Pinelli L, Arnone A.  2019.  An Integrated Numerical Procedure for Flutter and Forced Response Assessment of Turbomachinery Blade-Rows. 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC13.
paper ETC2019-199
Barreca P, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A.  2018.  Aeroelastic Investigation of a Transonic Compressor Rotor with Multi-Row Effects. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association. Energy Procedia 148:58-65.
Vanti F, Pinelli L, Arnone A, Schneider A, Astrua P, Puppo E.  2018.  Aeroelastic Optimization of an Industrial Compressor Rotor Blade Geometry. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 2D: Turbomachinery:pp.V02DT46A016;10pages.
paper GT2018-76474
Sláma V, Rudas B, Eret P, Tsymbalyuk V, Ira J, Macalka A, Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Lo Balbo A A.  2018.  Experimental and Numerical Study of Controlled Flutter Testing in a Linear Turbine Blade Cascade. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Vol 20 Turbomachines 2018:98-107.
Pinelli L, Vanti F, Arnone A, Eret P, Tsymbalyuk V, Lo Balbo A A.  2018.  Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Flutter Stability in a Turbine Linear Cascade. 15th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT).
paper ISUAAAT15-029
Biagiotti S, Pinelli L, Poli F, Vanti F, Pacciani R.  2018.  Numerical Study of Flutter Stabilization in Low Pressure Turbine Rotor with Intentional Mistuning. ATI 2018 - 73rd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association.. Energy Procedia 148:98-105.
Vanti F, Pinelli L, Poli F, Arnone A.  2017.  Aeroelastic Investigation of Turbine Blade Assemblies: Cluster System and Mistuned Rows. 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12.
paper ETC2017-144
