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Arnone A, Benvenuti E, Corradini U, Stecco SS.  1992.  Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Gas Turbine First Stage Nozzle. 6th International Conference on Gas Turbines in Cogeneration and Utility Industrial and Independent Power Generation - 1992 ASME COGEN-TURBO.
1-3 September, 1992, Houston, TX, USA
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1991.  Multigrid Calculation of Incompressible Flows for Turbomachinery Applications. XXIV International Associaton for Hydraulic Research Congress (AIRH).
Madrid, Spain, 9-13 September, 1991.
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1991.  Transonic Cascade Flow Prediction Using the Navier-Stokes Equations. IGTI International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition.
Orlando, FL, USA, 3-6 June, 1991, ASME paper 91-GT-313
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1989.  Inviscid Cascade Flow Calculations Using a Multigrid Method. IGTI International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4-8 June, 1989, ASME paper 89-GT-22
Arnone A, Stecco SS.  1989.  Inviscid Prediction of Transonic Flows in Turbomachinery Using a Runge-Kutta Integration Scheme. Advances and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics -FED-Vol.66, Book No. G00466- 1988.
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
Stecco SS, Arnone A, Michelotti A, Ursino P.  1989.  Study of Transonic Flow in an Annular Turbine Cascade Using the Computer Code TRAF2MG. 3rd International Symposium on Turbomachinery, Combined-Cycle Technologies and Cogeneration.
30 August-1 September, 1989, Nice, France.
Stecco SS, Arnone A.  1985.  Fluid-Dynamic Aspects of Torsional Aeroelasticity in Steam Turbine Low-Pressure Bladings. Fluid Transients in Fluid-Structure Interaction - 1985. Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 30:25-30.
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, USA.